CBS Blogs


Who benefits behind the scenes from high prescription drug prices?

If there’s one thing most Americans still agree on, it’s that the ever-increasing cost of healthcare is simply unsustainable. And while there is plenty of blame to go around, one must look at who benefits behind the scenes from inflated prices — particularly for prescription medications — to really understand the root of the problem....

Older adults falls cost about $50B in medical costs a year, data shows

Taking a spill comes with a financial price tag that varies depending on what state you’re in, according to a new report published by Brooks Rehabilitation, a rehabilitation hospital in Florida. According to the data, the states where fall-related costs are the highest are Connecticut, New York and Rhode Island. In Colorado, Utah and Alaska fall costs are on...

Medicare Advantage: A not-so-advantageous deal for beneficiaries and providers

Open enrollment is well underway for Medicare, as television viewers inundated with cheesy insurance company ads can tell.  Those ads must work.  For the first time 2024 will see most Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in private insurance – so-called “Medicare Advantage” (MA) – as opposed to fee-for-service (FFS) traditional Medicare. In signing Medicare into law in...

Medicare Advantage plans intent on skirting new rules, providers fear

Aging services providers are increasingly concerned that powerful Medicare Advantage plans will not fall into line under new federal rules, which were once seen as the possible beginning of a tide change for beneficiary rights. Changes to Medicare Advantage slated to kick in Jan. 1 were designed to ensure plans extend their enrollees the same...

A crazy way to spend a healthcare fortune

I’d like to announce that the folks who run Medicare Advantage plans will be shaking in their boots soon, fearful of what authorities are going to do to them. But I also like to tell the truth. So there will be no pronouncements of grievous Medicare Advantage practices, and the leaders behind them, being yanked...